Become a Member
Benefits of becoming a member:
The chance to share ideas & learn from other potters
Active involvement in the ceramic artist community, supporting area studios, clay schools, demonstrations, and galleries.
Camaraderie, friendship with like-minded people
Activities in which you learn about & discuss ceramic techniques & ideas.
Field trips to local museums, studios, & other places of interest.
Opportunities to sell your work.
PR & advertising for your work.
Information about other opportunities to sell or display your work.
Your own page on our website, with photos of your work & links to your website & social media.
Community outreach, including education, fundraising, donation opportunities, and demonstrations.
Discounts when we host a workshop.
Some scholarships available for workshops & activities.
Below is a button to go to the membership form, if you'd like to become a member. Click the button to open the form with Acrobat. You can fill out the form on your computer, and then there is a print button to print it. Please print the form and send it in with dues. Mailing instructions are on the form.
The purpose of The Potters’ Guild of Frederick shall be to conduct an organization of ceramic artists for the promotion of high standards in both expressive and functional ceramic art, to exchange ideas, to stimulate community interest in the ceramic arts and to hold periodic ceramic exhibitions and sales.
Membership Guidelines:
Support the purpose of the Guild as stated in the By-Laws.
Pay dues ($75.00) made out to Potters’ Guild of Frederick & due each January.
Vote on By-Law changes, board elections, etc. that are brought before the Guild members.
Actively serve on committees, participate in sponsored special events, take responsibility for special tasks, etc., each of which serve to meet the goals of the Guild.
Attend general meetings usually held on the first Monday of each month. Meetings are open to all members and the general public.