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Board Members



Joanne Rome

President shall preside at all meetings and shall appoint all permanent committee chairpersons, and also, ad-hoc chairpersons as needed.

1st Vice President


Katlynn Almansor

1st Vice President shall preside at meetings in the absence or disability of the President and shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be delegated by the President. The 1st Vice President shall chair the Program Committee.

2nd Vice President


Jill Meldon

2nd Vice President shall maintain the shift schedule for the guild gallery and be liaison to committee chairs.



Martha Sherman

Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings and shall circulate to the members: minutes of meetings, notification of regular meetings, emails and other issues of importance.



Beth-Ellen Berry

Treasurer shall receive all monies due the Guild and disburse such funds as authorized by the President or the membership. The Treasurer shall maintain a bank account for the Guild and keep an account of all monies received and paid out and file a report at each meeting. The Treasurer shall prepare annual tax documentation for the guild.

Gallery Coordinator


Janet Greer

Responsible for Gallery display/refresh of artist work to include but not limited to repainting displays, color schemes, etc. Responsible for developing 1st Saturday events, coordinating featured artist shows and other events hosted at the Gallery. Also responsible for coordinating with the Public Relations committee on Gallery events and First Saturdays.

IT Specialist


Becky Poulin

Manages website & Guild data



Jasmin Parks

At-Large Members shall help with guild activities, and provide the Board with additional input concerning Guild programming and member ideas and concerns.



Susan Brown

At-Large Members shall help with guild activities, and provide the Board with additional input concerning Guild programming and member ideas and concerns.

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